From our Personal Injury Section:
Insurance companies are not your friends!
You are not in “good hands”, they are not like your “good neighbor”, and in “15 minutes” they could completely damage your life.
The adjuster calls you immediately after an accident; they are so friendly on the phone. They reassure you that they will “take care of all of your bills”. They give you their direct line. They call from the “Quick Resolution Center” or “Rapid Response Team”, to make you think they are doing everything they can to help you.
But, in reality, what they are doing is trying to get you to agree to a settlement as quickly as possible, for pennies on the dollar, before you can speak to a lawyer. Many times this happens before you have even seen a doctor to know the full the extent of your injuries.
Insurance companies are not your friends! They succeed at their job when they give you less than you deserve. Far too many times we have seen this scam happen to clients, ultimately, leaving them with unpaid bills, and no compensation for their pain and suffering. This leads to collection notices, law suits, and sometimes, bankruptcy.
Here is what you can do to help minimize these bad outcomes.
– If you are in an accident, call the police as quickly as possible.
– DO NOT speak to insurance adjusters.
– DO NOT give any hospital or medical provider your Auto Insurance information. Instruct the hospital to bill your HEALTH INSURANCE. If you don’t have health insurance, tell them your are Self Pay.
– IMMEDIATELY call an attorney for a consult
– IMMEDIATELY call your OWN Auto Insurance company, and instruct them NOT TO MAKE any payments to any medical providers. This is referred to as “MED PAY”. Tell them, DO NOT MAKE ANY MED PAY payments. (Hospitals love to bill Med Pay, because they get 100% of their artificially inflated bills).
– Hire an experienced attorney as quickly as possible, and tell him/her everything you know. The attorney will reach out to the insurance companies.
There are many more tips that we can provide, but following just these ones above could possibly save you thousands of dollars, and years of headaches.
Visit our website for more information. www.AloLegal.com
Image Source: https://clark.com/insurance/best-auto-insurance-companies/