Author: Ammar Alo, Esq.

What is the 30-60-90 day rule for immigration (USCIS)?

After an interesting debate this week, between immigration attorneys on Facebook, I’ve learned that I am a lot more risk-averse than others.

This stems from a question an attorney posted, asking whether it is a good idea to file for Adjustment of Status (Permanent Residence) for parents of a US citizen who arrived in the US as visitors. The problem is not the filing, but the timing of the filing. These clients wanted to file a week after their arrival in the US.

The issue here is whether a USCIS officer deciding their case will assume they had “Immigrant Intent” when they came in as “Visitors”, and whether the officer can charge them with “fraud or misrepresentation”.

For the last 15 years of practice, I have always abided by “30/60/90 day rule”. In essence, we don’t file any Permanent Residence applications within 90 days of a visitor’s arrival in the US, unless there is a VERY good reason, ex. expiring status. This is what most immigration attorneys did.

If a USCIS officer finds “Fraud or Misrepresentation”, the person applying could be permanently barred from entering the US again.

Why risk a finding like this? Why not wait? Why try to fight USCIS, when you could have just waited a few weeks? I believe you are doing clients a disservice when you don’t advise them to wait. Isn’t that our job as attorneys, to give the best advice?

Many of those arguing for not waiting the 90 days cite a case “Matter of Cavazos” from 1980, where the BIA decided that notwithstanding preconceived intent, adjustment of status should ordinarily be granted for immediate relatives absent other negative factors.

While this is true, a USCIS officer could find other “negative factors” when they grill your client at their interview.

My advice to young immigration attorneys out there, wait the 90 days, and don’t get pushed around by eager clients. If they don’t want to wait, and you still take on the case, make it clear in your agreements that they have been advised of the risk, and that you are not responsible if it all goes wrong.

Insurance companies are not your friends!

From our Personal Injury Section:

Insurance companies are not your friends! 
You are not in “good hands”, they are not like your “good neighbor”, and in “15 minutes” they could completely damage your life.

The adjuster calls you immediately after an accident; they are so friendly on the phone. They reassure you that they will “take care of all of your bills”. They give you their direct line. They call from the “Quick Resolution Center” or “Rapid Response Team”, to make you think they are doing everything they can to help you.

But, in reality, what they are doing is trying to get you to agree to a settlement as quickly as possible, for pennies on the dollar, before you can speak to a lawyer. Many times this happens before you have even seen a doctor to know the full the extent of your injuries.

Insurance companies are not your friends! They succeed at their job when they give you less than you deserve. Far too many times we have seen this scam happen to clients, ultimately, leaving them with unpaid bills, and no compensation for their pain and suffering. This leads to collection notices, law suits, and sometimes, bankruptcy.

Here is what you can do to help minimize these bad outcomes.

– If you are in an accident, call the police as quickly as possible.

– DO NOT speak to insurance adjusters.

– DO NOT give any hospital or medical provider your Auto Insurance information. Instruct the hospital to bill your HEALTH INSURANCE. If you don’t have health insurance, tell them your are Self Pay.

– IMMEDIATELY call an attorney for a consult

– IMMEDIATELY call your OWN Auto Insurance company, and instruct them NOT TO MAKE any payments to any medical providers. This is referred to as “MED PAY”. Tell them, DO NOT MAKE ANY MED PAY payments. (Hospitals love to bill Med Pay, because they get 100% of their artificially inflated bills).

– Hire an experienced attorney as quickly as possible, and tell him/her everything you know. The attorney will reach out to the insurance companies.

There are many more tips that we can provide, but following just these ones above could possibly save you thousands of dollars, and years of headaches.

Visit our website for more information.

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USCIS announces new Affirmative Asylum priorities

On January 29th, 2018, USCIS announced their new priorities for scheduling Affirmative Asylum interviews.

According to the announcement, “USCIS will now schedule asylum interviews in the following order of priority:

  • First priority: Applications that were scheduled for an interview, but the interview had to be rescheduled at the applicant’s request or the needs of USCIS.
  • Second priority: Applications that have been pending 21 days or less.
  • Third priority: All other pending affirmative asylum applications will be scheduled for interviews starting with newer filings and working back towards older filings”

Unfortunately, this means that those who have been waiting years for their interviews will need to wait longer. We pray that USCIS can hire more officers and adjudicate these applications quickly. Being stuck in limbo wreaks havoc on families.

No DACA deal in sight

Despite the government shutdown, and the threats by democrats not to pass a spending bill that didn’t deal with the DACA problem, congress passed a spending bill, and the government was reopen.

DACA recipients still await their fate as their issue has now become a political bargaining chip with deal in sight.

Read more:

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Top 3 Immigration Lawyer

For the third year in a row, attorney Ammar Alo has been named as one of the Top 3 Immigration Attorneys in Toledo.

In a statement released on his Facebook profile, attorney Alo said:

I work hard to make sure every case is handled in a professional manner and with the utmost care.

I take pride in my work, and strive to give my clients my uninterrupted attention.

A big Thank You to all my clients who have valued my work and took time to rate my services. This would not have been possible without you.

Click the link for more details:

Asylum Approval

After over three years of patiently waiting, another client has finally been approved for Asylum.

For those who are unfamiliar, having your Asylum case approved is a life changing event. Gone are the worries of being sent back to an oppressive regime, where you will likely be killed. Gone are the nightmares of the torture and abuse that you underwent. Now the healing begins, and the future begins to look brighter.

We sincerely hope and pray that all those seeking asylum are processed, interviewed, and given decisions in a timely matter.

USCIS Work Authorization Document and Social Security Number

Some welcome news from USCIS. You can now have your Social Security Card delivered automatically when your EAD is approved.

You no longer have to go to the Social Security Administration office to apply for a number. This is great news and helps streamline the process for new SSA applicants.

What to do if you are in an auto accident

As part of our expanding Personal Injury practice, today we bring you a guide on what to do if you are involved in a car accident:

— Call 911 —
If you are hit by another driver, the best thing to do is call 911. Not only will they send help if you are injured, but they will also document a lot of information that you will need later on. Further, they interview witnesses if available.

— Remain Calm —
If you are hurt, try not to move very much. If you feel you are in an unsafe place, try to calmly move to a safer location until help arrives.

If you are not hurt, see if others with you are hurt or need help. There is no point arguing with the other driver about who’s fault it was. Once the officer arrives, they will sort it out.

— Remember what happened —
If you can take notes about where you were going, what side of the street you were on, where your car ended up, what color the traffic light was.
This is useful immediately to help you think about what you will tell the officer who shows up, and also important later on down the road.

— Take pictures and names of witnesses —
Everyone has a camera on their cell phone these days. When you get a chance and you are out of harms way, take pictures of the cars, the intersection, the license plates, the insurance cards, any marks on the road, or any spills.

If there are any witnesses try to get their names and numbers.

Call your attorney, and don’t talk to insurance adjusters.
I have had many clients tell me about how insurance companies tried to low ball them on pain and suffering. Its quite shocking the amounts insurance companies will offer when an attorney is not involved. They will try to bait you into taking a quick offer, even before your treatment is done.

Call your lawyer, set an appointment, and tell the lawyer what happened. The lawyer will take care of the rest.